Church Family Meeting 6th July 22 - Minutes

Thanks to everybody who came to our Church Family Meeting last night - it was very good, we thought. Lot's of good news, opportunities and things to grapple with as a church family. A great time of prayer and prophecy too. Don't forget, everyone is welcome to these key meetings!

Here are the minutes as PDF:

or the zoom recording if you'd prefer is here (not great quality):

Current Trustees stepping down

Two of our current Trustees, Nicola Mayer (Church Secretary) and Sarah Saunders have chosen to step down from their roles, as their initial 3-year term has come to an end. We should all be incredibly grateful to them both for all of their contributions, wisdom, time, energies and prayer on our behalf these past 3½ years. Thank you!

Nominations for new Trustees posts

We voted on two candidates nominated as potential new trustees, namely Becky Forder and Quentin Williams. No other names were nominated by the church members this time around.

Introducing Becky Forder – nominated as Church Secretary

Hi, I’m Becky and have been part of The Well since December 2015. I love being part of The Well Family and have been involved with kids work, the welcome team and have recently run the Pain to Purpose course. 

I am mum to Lucy and have lived in Sheffield my whole life, other than doing Uni in London and then living down there for a year or so. I am a lawyer and work for a firm based in Nether Edge specialising in Wills, Trusts & Probate. 

 I love people so am never happier than being surrounded by people. Having been through some significant losses in my life and knowing God’s healing I am passionate about walking with people in their hurts and brokenness to help them find hope and know the truth that God has not finished writing any of our stories. I have a particular passion for the widow and the fatherless and have recently become part of the team for a charity based in the US, called Songs in the Night.  

 I would love to serve The Well by being a Trustee as I believe the church has such an important part to play in our communities, to bring that hope.

Introducing Quentin Williams – nominated as Trustee

Hi everyone, I’m Quentin and I’ve been part of The Well family from the outset. I am married to Rachael and we have two kids, Maebelle and Boaz. I have lived in Sheffield for the past 12 years working as a project manager in the water industry and I am currently working on a number of flood alleviation schemes in York.

I have been a Christian since the age of 7 and have been a member of a number of Baptist and non-denominational churches in that time. I am passionate about mission having spent 3 years working for Medair, a Christian humanitarian relief organisation in Uganda and Afghanistan. I am currently part of the Well Beyond team looking at how The Well supports people and  projects close to home and abroad. I have also led a number of Freedom in Christ courses with Rachael and it has been truly amazing to see the Spirit at work helping people to find freedom from wrong patterns of thinking and strongholds.

In my spare time I am a bit of a sports fan and used to play a lot of Rugby and Golf and love a bit of mountain biking, climbing or walking when I get the chance. I also love music and enjoy singing and play the ‘cello and guitar.

It’s a privilege to have been nominated to serve the church as a trustee. I love the church and I am so passionate about seeing us reach those who don’t yet know Him in our city and beyond.

Hybrid meetings / voting?

Earlier in 2022 we began to look into whether forms of ‘hybrid’ meeting (online/in-person) could be feasible post-pandemic. We already livestream out meetings, but our constitution does not allow for off-site voting or to count online viewers for the sake of quorum. We’re still investigating the possibilities on this, and we’ll report back to you soon. 

Marjorie, Nick and the team work really hard in advance to make CFMs as interesting, inspiring and interactive as possible. If you have suggestions as to how they can improve, or what might encourage people to attend in person, also if you’d like to talk over anything you’ve read today, do please get in touch.

Thank you so much for all the time and energy you give to our church family. 😊 

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