Sunday 29 March 2020


1) Worship

Be strong and courageous (Joshua 1: 9) with actions:

2) Word

What does it mean to stay close to your Bible?

Set the scene for Joshua 1; explain how Moses has died and God has chosen Joshua to continue to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land. Remind your older children about Moses, how he’d led the Israelites out of Egypt and some of the trials they had faced and the miracles they’d experienced. Read / retell Joshua 1: 1-9.

Discussion points:

  • Can you imagine how Joshua was feeling about all this?

  • What promise does God make with Joshua?

  • What will help Joshua to remain strong and very courageous?

We too, don’t need to be anxious, we too have the assurance that God is with us, giving us supernatural powers to be strong and courageous. We just need to remember to stay close to our Bibles; to read, feed on and follow God’s Word, to keep our eyes on Jesus

Optional extra:

Fun Video of Joshua 1

3) Activity suggestions

Under 5’s

Draw a chalk line outside (or use a piece of rope inside). Try to walk along the rope balancing keeping nice and straight. Repeat keeping your head turned to the left (and then to the right). How difficult is it to keep nice and straight with your head turned to the side? Talk together about how God wants us to follow his instructions in the Bible and to not have our eyes taken off His ways.


Build a tower using any toy bricks you have. Can you make one strong enough to take the weight of your Bible? Talk with your families about the promises found in scripture that can help you to be strong and courageous and not afraid.


Make a shield - you could use the card from a cereal box. Write scriptural promises of how God will be with you and you don’t need to be afraid. (A few starting points - Joshua 1: 9, Deuteronomy 31: 8, Philippians 4: 6-7…). Hold your shield and pray against fear. An extra colouring sheet to print can be found at:

4) Reflect

Think back to a time when you have been courageous… It could have been when you went to a dentist appointment or when you’ve been on a high climbing frame. Remember how your special adult encouraged you and told you not to be afraid because they were with you. We have read today how ‘…the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go’. God telling us that we can all ‘be strong and very courageous’ in the face of anything, even the Coronavirus, because when we remember who God is and how God promises to be with us, we do not need to be afraid.

Spend some time praying together saying thank you to God for being with you and for helping us to be courageous and strong, even in these unusual times of being at home lots (thankfulness helps chase away fear).

Why not, look for scriptures together that show God’s promises of being with us. Remember when we are concerned, the best thing we can do is keep reading and repeating the amazing promises in God’s Word. You might need to remind your parents of this in the coming days children!

Sunday breakfast | Youth series

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