Here today, gone tomorrow?

The Sheffield Star newspaper caught my attention this week, as its cover boldly announced the launch of a fresh new look. It got me thinking about headlines, which are designed surprise and sometimes to shock. They raise our attention for a fleeting second, like a little shot of caffeine, there’s a buzz about them. But headlines are superficial, they rarely tell the whole story.

Integrity really matters to people. We want to know that a person, or an institution, is being authentic, telling the truth. In short, are they trustworthy?

Prince Harry has been making the headlines this week too, for his allegations of illegal press intrusions, made to generate headlines and more sell copies. He wants to hold the British media accountable for what he sees as hypocrisy and immoral tactics.  

There’s an old saying: "today's news is tomorrow's fish and chip papers." Things are a bit more hygienic these days, but the point remains. We allow ourselves to be satisfied with a meme or a soundbite. People get away with lies. Society seems to be obsessed with the quick win or the easy thrill.

But life, and people, are more precious than that. In the Bible, Psalm 39 captures it well. “LORD, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered— how fleeting my life is.”

I don’t want to be superficial; I want my life to make a difference. Not just for my sake, but for others’. We all do. That requires wise choices, and a moral framework that knows how to tell right from wrong, depth from shallowness.

Once again, I turn to the wisdom of St Paul in the Christian Bible, a man who had humbly learned from his mistakes.

“See that you walk carefully, living life with honour, purpose, and courage; shunning those who tolerate and enable evil. Not as the unwise, but as wise, sensible, intelligent, discerning people, making the very most of your time on earth. Recognizing and taking advantage of each opportunity and using it with wisdom and diligence. Because the days are filled with evil. Therefore, do not be foolish and thoughtless, but understand and firmly grasp what the will God is” (Ephesians ch. 5, Amplified Bible).

Let’s live today like ours is a rich story to be written and shared, not a throw-away line.