Why are we waiting?

Believe it or not, it’s that time of year when advent calendars become a big thing in many people’s homes. My 3 children are teenagers now, but that won’t stop them from eagerly opening the first daily Advent door, excited to reveal a chocolate treat. I am simply excited because this year I’ve remembered to buy the calendars in time.

The word “advent” means “expectant waiting.” This season is marked by waiting and anticipating something big, something better. For Christians, advent is a way to celebrate the promise of the Saviour Jesus Christ, both at birth and looking forward to His return.

I wonder what you are waiting for? Anticipation should be a joyful feeling, but we sometimes anticipate things with anxiety. Our national mood is pretty sombre as we approach 2023. Everybody is waiting for a winter of discontent. Higher food and fuel prices are creating anxiety and new levels of poverty. Industrial action is disrupting and shows the depths of people’s discontent. Perhaps this year our wait will end for the World Cup to come ‘home’?

Many amazing charities in our city anticipate the loneliness or winter poverty by seeking to serve others, providing for their most important needs, like friendship, food and warmth. Let’s support those causes financially and practically ourselves.

One simple and fun initiative in Sheffield is that many churches are giving away thousands of ‘Real Advent Calendars’ to our friends, colleagues, schools and foodbanks. Along with chocolates they also tell the historic story of the birth of Jesus.  

So what is really behind advent? Advent calendars count down the arrival of Jesus, God-in-the-flesh whose humble birth we mark every Christmas Day. Advent is a season which anticipates the coming of Christ. Imagine that! In a world so full of cares and questions, in a season when we are often distracted by what’s on TV or what’s on our plates, there is a far deep invitation to consider.

Those who met Jesus 2000 years ago were in no doubt: “Christ became a human being and lived here on earth among us. From him all the kindness and all the truth of God have come down to us.” (John 1). 

Don’t believe the hype of Christmas advertising. Let us open the doors to our hearts as we open our advent calendars. Hope is coming!