When will there be a harvest for the world?

Last week at The Well we celebrated Harvest Festival. At a time of huge social upheaval it was rather comforting to return to a familiar festival which is part of British heritage each autumn.

The words of the most famous harvest hymn, which many of us will have sung at school over the years, also brought welcome perspective: “We plough the fields and scatter the good seed on the ground, but it is fed and watered by God’s almighty hand.” However hard we work to provide for ourselves, or to partner with nature for crops and resources, there remains a bigger picture that God is always almighty.

In the 21st century our Urban Harvest offerings aren’t for pretty display. They are non-perishable and practical. We collected piles of tinned food, toiletries, and cash. We gave to our local foodbank.

This year, more than ever before, Sheffield’s foodbank network is busy helping to feed individuals and families in dire need, drawn from all sorts of walks of life. Alongside food parcels they receive a kind word, a smiling face, the signs that many people do care about their predicament and don’t judged them for it.

That famous harvest hymn written in 1782 concludes with a rousing chorus, which remains poignant in 2020 as many in our city experience food poverty or looming unemployment. “All good gifts around us are sent from heaven above, so thank the Lord for all his love.”

In the midst of hardship and uncertainty comes the call to count our blessings because there is always something to be thankful for. Above all we may be grateful when love shines through. Love looks like something. Beyond a warm fuzzy feeling love is an emotion which stirs us into positive action.

Foodbanks are love in action. They are our society saying “this is not OK and I’m willing to do something about it.” Every £20 can help feed a family for a week, every donation helps towards serving tens of thousands of parcels to people each year. In our own struggles let’s not forget to be thankful and serve others around us.

DONTATE HERE TO S6 Foodbank, which resources 10 centres around Sheffield from a massive wearhouse in S6.