Church Family Meeting 6 October 21
Our next Church Family Meeting is Wednesday 6th October, 7.30pm in person at The Well.
Join the rest of the church family, to hear what God is doing, to help discern what might be coming up, and to be alongside each other and pray together.
These are really important times to connect with each other and share in the direction of travel for church. Below is a simple agenda, do let me know if there is anything specific you would find helpful to visit together.
It will be SO GOOD to have people together in a large room again. We’ll make sure there is ventilation, and you can wear a mask if you prefer. The meeting will also be livestreamed, but obviously we prefer if you can attend in person, and we can’t take comments from online viewers. The livestream link will be posted as a comment below before the event starts.
• Vision update (Allans)
• News catch-up from around the church (pre-recorded short video)
• 21-22 Budget overview (Steve Spendlove, Treasurer)
• Intercession time for our church
We hope to see you this coming Wednesday.
Nick Allan and Nicola Mayer (Church Secretary)