Generosity at The Well
Generosity comes in many shapes and sizes. Everyday around the UK people give hours of their time, they give their passions and guts by volunteering, they share their talents to make a positive difference. June 2018 saw publication of a report (click here to read it) outlining that in Sheffield Christians and other faith groups contribute 1.,240,000 hours of volunteer time to our city, worth about £11.2m a year!
People from The Well volunteer in lots of projects around Sheffield - particularly to serve our city's poor and vulnerable. Here's a few of the projects our people are involved in serving:
S6 Foodbank - emergency food
Good News Café - Saturday morning breakfast at Sheffield Cathedral Archer Project
Social Action Saturdays - young adults working with Open Hands
Doncaster Prison - visiting and meeting prisoners weekly
Befriending Homeless rough sleepers - bimonthly Friday nights, offering food around the city centre
Our donations to Good causes 2019
We love to give our money away and we aim to tithe (10%) our income as a church to good causes. An experienced team help to research and propose where we give our money to make an impact. Here's some of the projects and people we will give this year's money to:
Iris Relief (Cyclone Idai) - respond to crises and disasters on a local, regional, and international scale by physical aid and spiritual support.
Assist Sheffield - A Sheffield charity working with refugees and asylum seekers to provide support, housing and advice.
Chocolate Box - helping vulnerable women in Sheffield to by providing support, care, positive lifestyle advice, befriending, and daily necessities.
CPA - Christian partnerships in Africa a small charity focusing on education in Kenya, Ethiopia and Malawi.
Foundation for Social Change & Inclusion - Preventing modern slavery and transforming lives in Southeast Europe
Golddigger Trust - Building self-esteem and citizenship in young people in South Yorkshire.
Go North - a Nigerian charity that outreach to the vastly Christian minority north of the country and sends out people to work in persecuted areas.
Grace & Light- a Nigerian charity that works with vulnerable people. It helps to provide care and support to widows in hard times and health education seminars for the local area.
Happy Sonship - provides disaster relief (eg in Puerto Rico, Bahamas). Prison outreach in United States, and supports family adoption.
Higher Yorkshire - is an initiative of The Message Trust that equip, encourage and strengthen the local church in reaching young people with the Gospel.
Hope for Kids - Lebanon based charity working with and supporting vulnerable local, minority refugee children. It has a children's home, a school and support for teenagers.
Justice Rising - a charity based in DR Congo. Providing education, training and empowering local teachers in post-conflict areas.
Mediar - A Christian relief organisation working with some of the worlds most vulnerable. They have a current fundraising campaign for DRCongo, one of the world’s forgotten crises.
Names Not Numbers – African based charity that works with vulnerable children by providing children homes and support.
Open Doors - The Well is a partner church with Open Doors to stand in solidarity with the persecuted church around the world.
Open Hands - a Sheffield charity offering housing and support to destitute asylum seekers.
Restore - a local ministry making a big impact on the poor and vulnerable based at NCS church. Several of our people volunteer in their projects.
Safe Families for Children - a UK charity who works with vulnerable children by providing support to families in difficult situations.
Snowdrop - A Sheffield charity providing long-term support to empower survivors of human trafficking.
Sunergos - Developing-world consultancy which empowers indigenous organisations to make a bigger impact.
Taste - a charity that helps small villages and towns in Nigeria by providing water pumps to ensure clean water is available.
Toilet - the sanitation focussed wing of Tearfund. It helps organisations build toilets around the world and 'twins' toilets in the UK.
YADA - is based in Burundi working with vulnerable children and their families. It has a school and has a sponsorship program for children. They also have a 'porridge program' to feed children who could not eat before school, and a nursery program to help the children and families in the local area be able to earn money while children attend.
Give to The Well
Christians are generous in response to God's generosity to us. This goes for money too. How a person spends their spare cash is often a barometer of their heart.
You can be part of the story of The Well by making a financial donation. We encourage our regular members to move from feeling like 'visiting friends' to become 'family' by supporting the church with regular gifts. You can read a short booklet explaining this here.
We’re not asking for your money! We’re inviting you into an opportunity to be part of the journey and to partner with The Well in creating a community of faith and love which furthers the kingdom of God in our generation, our city and the nations. We believe in what’s happening through The Well. Do you?
Click below to make a one-off, or regular gift online.