Sunday 31st May 2020 - Pentecost
Learn some new moves with ‘I Came to Praise’ by Just Dance Moves!
How does Holy Spirit give us hope?
Read Acts 1: 8 with your child(ren) and set the scene for the disciples who had been through the death of Jesus, his resurrection and then seen him being taken up to heaven (ascension). Tell the story of Pentecost, from Acts chapter 2 (with younger children focus mainly on verses 1-4).
Some things to think about:
- I wonder how the disciples felt at this time? Immediately before Holy Spirit came? As the ‘violent wind’, ‘tongues of fire’ and ability to speak in different languages happened? After hearing Peter talk to the crowd?
- How do you think the disciples changed as a result of this Pentecost experience?
- How can Holy Spirit help us?
It might be helpful to watch Crossroads Kids Club: Pentecost video to recap the story of Pentecost:
Further thoughts to discuss:
Holy Spirit gives us hope. Hope, not in the sense of ‘I hope I’ll get a new bike for my birthday hope’, but hope for things such as a time when everyone will get along happily, a time when all the hungry are fed, and so forth. We have God's promise that each of these things will one day happen, and we can tell stories that prove that God is working to make them happen (even in the midst of difficult times like now). Holy Spirit reminds us of God's promises and gives us the courage to keep on working and hoping, even when it looks as if the problems are too big to be solved. And most importantly, Holy Spirit works through us to do more than we could do on our own, as Jesus promised in Acts chapter 1 verse 8; Holy Spirit gives us all power so that we can be witnesses (talk about Jesus) to other people everywhere.
Word Extra:
A parent-recommended additional (and longer) video that explores the gift of Holy Spirit for younger children:
Activity Suggestions:
1) Paint Blowing Pictures
For those of you who aren’t afraid of a little mess (or have outdoor space). Using poster paint, add some water to it to make it runnier. Then use a spoon to place some runny paint in the centre of your paper (mix your colours or add one colour at a time). Use a straw to blow the paint in different directions. Just like Holy Spirit blew from Heaven at Pentecost!!
2) Have a Birthday Party!!
Pentecost is often cited as the first birthday of the church. This seems like a great excuse to party! Why not bake a birthday cake/ cupcakes together? You could decorate them with orange, red or yellow icing to represent the tongues of fire that rested on Jesus’ followers. Sing “Happy Birthday” together before you tuck in and enjoy cake together to celebrate Pentecost.
3) Make a wind chime for the garden
If you have old CDs in the house that are no longer used, why not use them to make an outdoor wind chime for the garden. Then every time you hear it, it will remind you to welcome Holy Spirit.
Take several old CDs - they can be decorated with permanent ink pens (like Sharpies - but remember to wear old clothes!). Then loop garden twine or fishing line through the centre of the CD and create different hanging lengths. These can then be hung close together on branches in the garden so that when the wind blows they will catch against one another and make a chime.
4) Colouring sheet - ‘Filled with the Holy Spirit’ (see separate PDF below)
Use the following worship song to invite Holy Spirit into a time of prayer and reflection together as a family. Spirit of the Living God by Life Kids:
Pray together for the things that you hope for. Pray that Holy Spirit will help you when you feel shy or afraid and that you will have confidence to talk about Jesus with your friends and family.