Sunday 3rd May 2020 - Moses



King of Me by Rend Collective - you know the actions from Sunday mornings, so have fun!


How did Moses show hope despite many setbacks?

Moses had hope and unfailing confidence in God’s promises.  He was however, just an ordinary man with an unusual start in life, who made big mistakes due to his human weaknesses and emotions, but who grew into his God-given calling to lead the Israelite people with courage and humility.

There are lots of great facets to the story of Moses, but I suggest that you focus on Exodus chapters 2 to 14 for this exploration.  With younger children you might want to read the story of Moses’ birth, the realisation he is an Israelite like the slaves in Egypt, the burning bush and of Moses and the Pharaoh up to the crossing of the Red Sea from a children’s Bible story book or retell it yourself in your own words.  With older children, it would be great to read different parts of the story from a children’s Bible over this week. 

(If you don’t have access to relevant books at home; a child-friendly re-telling can be found here ‘children’s version 1,2 ,3’

 Some thoughts to chat about:

- How do we see God’s protection and plans in the story of Moses as a baby? (ch. 2)

- What did Moses (raised as an Egyptian prince) come to realise was wrong with the way the Israelite slaves were treated? Do you think he reacted in the most appropriate way? (ch. 2)

- Many years later, in the desert, how did God get Moses’ attention? (ch.3)

- What excuses did Moses give to God, for not being the right person to rescue the Israelites from Egypt? (ch. 3)

- What did Moses need to prove who God was to hope in Him or to trust in His plan?

- I wonder how ready you are to hear from God?  I wonder what it would take for God to get your attention?  I wonder if you would be ready to act upon what God wants you to do for Him?

We see in chapters 5 to 14 that when God promises something, no matter what or who stands against Him, God’s purposes and plans always come through.  Read chapter 14 verses 13-14 together as a family.  What an amazing assurance!  Depending on the age of your children, it may be appropriate to discuss these verses in light of the current situation and how they can put their trust and hope in God, remaining still/calm in the face of the Coronavirus pandemic.  Moses grew to become a man of faith, who had amazing hope in the promises of God, despite setbacks and with a need for perseverance.  Enjoy thinking about what we can learn from his story.      

Possible Videos to watch about Moses:

 This video is a song version of Moses’ life which is good for younger children; ‘Moses Song’ by Saddleback Kids - summary of Exodus

This video gives a good background into Moses - who he was and how God called him. God’s story: Moses by Crossroads Kids Club

This video goes into more detail about how God used Moses to free the Israelites from slavery; Moses and the Exodus (Exodus 4-14) by Saddleback Kids

Activity suggestions

Under 5’s Create a picture of the burning bush - draw around your hand and cut out (use brown paper if possible/colour brown).  Use red, yellow and orange paint to create fingerprint flames.

5-7’s Create a picture of the burning bush - you could draw it, paint it, cut and stick or even use real twigs and leaves from the garden and then draw/stick on tissue paper red, yellow, orange flames.  Add a verse that shows Moses came to trust and hope in God from later on in the Exodus story.

7-11’s Create a story board to re-tell the key points of Exodus 2-14.  Show the points where Moses learned to trust and have hope in God.  You could do this cartoon style with speech bubbles.


Have a look around your home for items that protect you - cycle helmet, stair gates, waterproof coats, swimming arm bands, sun cream etc.  We have got lots of things in our homes that help to protect us.  Think about each protective item and about how it helps look after us and what the dangers are without it. 

God's protection is always there, even when we don't know it.  We can’t necessarily see it, like we can when we wear a cycle helmet, but we see many times in scripture God’s promise of protection.  He has a plan for us just as He did for Moses.  Although things may seem difficult at the time, God is always working in us for the good.

The Bible says “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” (Romans 8:28 NLT)

Spend some time praying together, thanking God for His protection and asking God to protect people you are concerned about or are unable to see at this time.

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