The XYZ of Discipleship

by Nick Allan & Marjorie Allan. Published 2020 by Malcolm Down Ltd

The xyz of discipleship

Understanding and Reaching Generations Y & Z

Today’s key challenge for the church in the West is to reach and raise the next generations – often missing or misunderstood – yet vital to the future of contemporary society and to Christianity.

Drawing on 20 years of fruitful experience, and carefully analysing Britain’s present cultural context this book explores how to disciple today’s Millennial (Gen Y) generation and their teenage/early adult successors Gen Z. With plenty of positive insights into the opportunities these generations possess, it speaks into how to help build solid foundations of identity and purpose for young adults and assesses some of the biggest challenges to Christian discipleship in today’s culture.

It will equip individuals who seek to mentor, parent or lead young adults into discipleship in the everyday and within church, as well as those of Y & Z age who are passionate to understand and disciple your own generation.

It concludes with practical guidance and a passionate challenge to established churches who wish to reach these generations.

The XYZ of Discipleship
Sale Price: £4.99 Original Price: £9.99

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About the authors

Revd. Nick & Marjorie Allan planted The Well Sheffield, a Baptist church known in the UK for successfully reaching and discipling students and young adults. They regularly speak at conferences and church growth training, and co-host the Wise Lives podcast/YouTube show. They enjoy raising their 3 children, keeping fit, reading, hiking with their Border Collie and good coffee.

Free resources


WATCH: Spring Harvest 2020 seminar ‘Discipling and Reaching Generations Y and Z’ based on this book

LISTEN: Short seminar Feb 2020 including excerpts from the book

What others are saying

Revd. Ian Parkinson

Former CPAS Leadership Development Specialist; Associate lecturer St Mellitus College & St Hild College. Author.

I have absolutely LOVED reading this book. It is such a wise and valuable contribution to the vital task of discipling contemporary young adults. A profound survey of the landscape of contemporary culture combined with a comprehensive overview of discipleship which is authentically biblical, and laced with practical wisdom born out of years of pastoral experience and cultural understanding.

This is a vital resource for all those who long to make sense of the challenges and complexities of today’s world and to enable its natives to thrive as Christian disciples. It deserves to be widely read.

Revd. Lynn Green

General Secretary, Baptists Together in Great Britain

From the Forward:

…at a time when so many churches are increasingly aware of the need to encourage and reach these generations, an insightful, practical and accessible book like this will be invaluable to inspire and give confidence to anyone who reads it.

Nick and Marjorie will help you to climb into the experiences, assumptions, attitudes, hopes and fears of these generations and what they care about…what I believe is really profound here is that what Marjorie and Nick advocate is not just good for young adults; it is the sort of church we all want to be part of. So, let’s bring it on!


Phil Knox

Evangelism and missiology, Evangelical Alliance UK and author.

Nick and Marjorie are the real deal. XYZ is not only the fruit of years of faithful investment and learning from living and breathing young adult culture, it is a much needed manifesto to inspire hope and prophetically call the church to both adapt to the winds of cultural change and hold steadfastly to the Gospel and radical Kingdom living.

This book is a must for every church leader. May we, as a church, receive its wisdom, apply it to our contexts and see many 20s and 30s come to faith in Jesus.


Revd. Paul Harcourt

Former National Leader, New Wine England and author.

Nothing will change in our efforts to reach the ‘missing generation’ if they remain the ‘misunderstood generation’… so we’re grateful to Nick and Marjorie for sharing what they’ve learnt about engaging, reaching and releasing this amazing generation into kingdom service!


Dr. Lucy Peppiatt

Principal, Westminster Theological Centre & Author

For anyone seeking to evangelize and disciple Generations X and Y, Nick and Marjorie’s book offers a wealth of insight from their experiences and life-wisdom of working among this generation. As they point out, there is great spiritual hunger and need among this age group, but in an environment where the church is struggling to reach this demographic, their book is a much-needed resource.

Dr. DAniel McGuiness

Principal St Hild Theological College, church planter and author.

Nick and Marjorie certainly live what they teach in the XYZ of discipleship. They have the rare credibility that comes from real life experience loving, leading, and learning from the very generations they are teaching about here. The book has a lot of depth, and many genuine insights into an area of ministry that, let's face it, hasn't been a strong point for the church in recent times.

In a time of much confusion, and in places increasing desperation as we watch Generations Y and Z walk away from church community, the Allans offer genuine clarity, and an approach that is pastoral and helpful. I especially appreciate their sensitivity in dealing with many difficult topics, and their focus on celebrating and learning from the varied strengths of people from these age groups. I honestly believe this book presents the church with an essential guide for including, discipling, and empowering such brilliantly creative and communal people, and I hope that we will all learn from it as we seek to do this well.

Thank you Nick and Marjorie for providing something so timely and valuable, borne out of your many years of ministry and learning in these areas.


Duncan and Kate Smith

Presidents, Catch The Fire World & Senior Leaders Catch the Fire Church Raleigh-Durham, NC & Authors

In knowing Nick and Marjorie for over a decade their passion for introducing the lost and unchurched to Jesus has never wavered. They are the real deal and live their lives away from the pulpit following everything they preach. Their lives and family are open and “doing life” with people is kingdom focused and spirit lead.

In this book they challenge us to look beyond our church programmes in order to create intentional environments and connection for discipleship with the Generations Y and Z. They address how to how redefine discipleship for them by capturing their hearts and value systems. All without diluting the glorious truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the word of God. They are not afraid of the perceived threat of challenge by Generations Y and Z but see it as a foundation to lead them to love and devotion to Jesus and His plans in their lives and callings.

This book is a must read for anyone leading a church today!

Revd. Dr Mark Powley

Archbishop's Mission Enabler for the North. Former Principal, St Hild Theological College and author.

In this book, Nick and Marjorie open a door into young adult ministry that few others can. They do a crucial job of clearing out half-formed stereotypes, confronting the church’s fear of failure and clarifying the key issues. Moments into reading it I was filled with new passion, new ideas, and new hope for the emerging generations.

What sets this book apart is the way it has been honed in real life and real ministry: the mistakes, the vulnerability and the many gems of kingdom wisdom that result. There are ideas here for every kind of church to try, set out in a passionate manual that’s also generous and easy to engage with. And uniting the whole volume is a theology which is biblically inspired, culturally aware and open to the wide, wild work of the Spirit.

Through these pages, young adults call out to the church for a faith that is humanly real and spiritually empowered - God, give us the courage to answer the call!


Kenno Leier

Founding Pastor Espoo Church Finland, M4 Europe Leadership Team (Church Planting Movement), Chairman Alpha Finland

“Nobody said this is going to be easy!” But if you are serious about discipleship, and ready to take some bruises on discipling generations Y and Z, this is your must-read!

Revd. Ken Benjamin

Director of Church Relationships, LICC
President of Baptists Together 2019-20

This helpful book from Marjorie and Nick fills a needed gap. What strikes me most is a refreshing optimism and confidence for us all seeing more fruitful discipleship among these key age groups.

Marjorie and Nick have drawn on experience from others wherever necessary, but it is their own story at The Well Sheffield and their own personal experiences of key people in their lives when they were young adults which gives particular credibility to their words.

As well as being a book for generations Y and Z, this book reminds me, as a parent with adult children of my own in the generation Z category, of the areas where I too am a product of this age. Aspects of the culture of these generations have spilled over to all of us. Some of the insights in this book are therefore not just limited to certain ages but to the age in which we all find ourselves.

The XYZ of Discipleship
Sale Price: £4.99 Original Price: £9.99